Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our Government

Hello parents!

As you know, we have started a new social studies unit on our government. We will be learning much during this unit, including how government works in our town, our state, and our country, how the government makes laws and enforces them, and how the government helps its citizens. We began with a discussion of what we already know (boy was I impressed!) and what we hope to learn. I'd say we're off to a great start!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Goodbye, Butterflies!

With all of our butterflies grown up and ready to fly, we decided it was time to set them free. Fortunately the weather was on our side this week and we had a perfect opportunity to release them into the wild.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fair Week

What a week it was! Our students have been hard at work with their insect reports. From grasshoppers to stink bugs to gnats and everything in between, we have been learning all about insect habitats, diets, and adaptations.

Meanwhile, our classroom caterpillars were snug in their chrysalises all week long until yesterday when…TA-DA! Out popped our first butterfly! By this afternoon most had emerged, and we even caught one in the act! We left them with plenty of food for the weekend and will release them next week.

For non-insect excitement, we had a visit from Johnny the K on Thursday. A former teacher himself, Johnny performed songs about many of the positive social skill we promote at Steward (all while wearing some of the silliest hats I have ever seen).